Mamba Artwork by Alice Starmore

NA ÀIRIGHEAN – The Sheilings

Every summer of my childhood was spent out at the àirigh. To grow up there was to know the moor joyously and effortlessly. The remains of all the àirighs I knew are still there to varying degrees, slowly being absorbed by the moor. Going there now is an emotional experience: everything is tangible and yet out of reach. Na Àirighean is a personal memorial to places and people I knew intimately in what now seems like another age.

Mamba Artwork by Alice Starmore

Àirigh Alexina

Mamba Artwork by Alice Starmore

The Sheiling Remembered

Mamba Artwork by Alice Starmore

Memorial to Nan Fing


Dollie's Airidh Window


Mo Staran - My Pathway

Mamba Artwork by Alice Starmore

Dollies Sheiling - Hearth

Mamba Artwork by Alice Starmore


Mamba Artwork by Alice Starmore


Airigh 7612.JPG


Mamba Artwork by Alice Starmore